TX Hub
Historically Underutilized Business Program encourages and effectively promotes the use of minority and woman-owned businesses. ABGI is Texas HUB certified.
The North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency provides assistance through education and counseling to applicants throughout the certification process in order to build a certified vendor pool for member entities. ABGI is certified through NCTRCA as a Woman-owned Business Enterprise (WBE).
The Women-Owned Small Businesses certificate is awarded through the U.S. Small Business Administration in efforts to protect women owned businesses from being underrepresented in federal government contracts. ABGI is certified through WOSB.
The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council is the largest non-profit, third-party certifier who partners with 14 Regional Partner Organizations to provide its world class standard of certification to women-owned businesses throughout the country.
ABGI is a recipient of this certification.